RSEB Full Form : You Need to Know About

RSEB Full Form

Rajasthan has an interesting history of power development since 1949. In those days, the electricity was available only to some towns. This problem was solved with the incorporation of the Rajasthan State Electricity Board (RSEB) in 1957. It is a regulatory authority of power distribution in Rajasthan.

About RSEB

RSEB full form is Rajasthan State Electricity Board and it came into existence on 1st July 1957. It operates the various thermal power stations of the state as well as hydel power stations.

This authority is responsible for distributing power evenly to every home in the state. It works efficiently to develop power projects in the state. Moreover, this authority must ensure a continuous power supply to every home.

Functions of RSEB

Rajasthan State Electricity Board or RSEB full form distributes power to every home in the state. It does the following functions such as:

Proper power distribution- This authority looks after a network of transmission of electricity from power plants to power distribution networks. It checks whether the substations and transformers receive the proper power supply daily. It supplies the power to every home in the state.

Development of power projects- RSEB develops various power projects in different places in the state. With the increase in the number of power projects, the state will receive a high amount of power supply. It further makes the power sector stronger and better in the state.

Maintenance of the electricity system- This authority maintains the full electricity system within the state and the various areas. It also operates all the major thermal power stations and gas power stations of Rajasthan.

Improves the efficiency of power generation- One of the main functions of RSEB full form is to enhance the work of power generation within the state. It must ensure the effective power distribution in the state.

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