Why You Must Plan to Watch Uncut Web Series this Weekend?

uncut web series

Uncut Web Series – released in the year 2011, the series is full of drama, and comedy. If your week was tough and you want to watch something relaxing and light, then this is the web series you must watch. 

But apart from being a comedy series, what makes it the best one? Well, the suspense. Yes, at this moment you might be thinking that how can a web series be both comedy and suspense at the same time? This one is. It will make you sit on the couch till the end of the series. 

Storyline of Uncut Web Series:

Chantelle Albers is playing the lead role in the entire series and the name of her character is Amanda Mills. One fine day, she wakes up and sees a gun in her hands, and a dead body lying down next to her. 

The main twist here is she is not the murderer, and she combines the day and night together to fight with law in order to get a clean chit. Will she get prison for life or will she be free from this?

Fighting with justice is already a daunting task and it becomes more chilling when you are not the culprit. Find out how the girl rides this roller coaster and what all efforts she puts to clear her name and image. 

The uncut web series is so amazing that many media houses have given it between 7-10 ratings and is still a favorite of many people. Audience ended up watching it multiple times already and the interest remains the same. 

Uncut Web Series cast list:

  • Chantelle Albers:

She is a very popular actress who has done not single but many web series. Born in 1985, acting was always her passion and she pursued it brilliantly. One of the main reasons to watch the uncut web series is because of her never-ending acting skills. 

  • Carlotta Montanari:

Playing the role of an agent in the series, Carlotta Montanari is an Italian actress. She also works as a host, and TV was always a thing for her. She has given justice to the role in the series. 

  • Joston Ramon:

Born in Georgia, USA, Joston is amongst those actors who don’t believe in giving up. They always end up giving their best shot and that gives them a kick. Jostong has played an important role in the series and it is always fun to watch him on the big screen. 


The series is easily available on various OTT platforms, and you don’t have to pay anything to watch it. Just a tub of popcorn would be fine because you will do the binge watch. 

Do you want to know more about these types of series? Then you don’t have to go anywhere else. Stay tuned with us. Watch the series and have a lot of fun! Feel stress free and enjoy the time with your loved ones, friends, and family.