Ancient Artz: A Glimpse into the Past

Ancient artz

We present ancient artz as a colourful and colossal fabric stretched through centuries and geographies, whose patterns reveal the lives, hopes and fears of people. These works beginning with the cryptic figures in the caves of the Paleolithic period through to the superb sculptured works of the ancient Greeks give substantial knowledge of society and the un-relenting energy of art.

Ancient artz is not only beauty but it depicts the character of certain race and countries. Symbolizes social, political, and religious practices of the period informing us of the creators’ perception of their world. When learners take time to study the art found within the early ages, they can be able to analyse the development of art, from the crude works of early people to the later refined works. We could also be able to see the relationship between art and other aspects of human life including religion, mythology and social class. Prehistoric people will always remain the founders of artwork, and the impression remains as eternal as the human spirit.

Art history encompasses centuries and many different civilizations as well as creation’s historical display. These pieces of art are point source of actual revelation of Paleolithic cave paintings to the sophisticated artwork of the classical Greek sculptures.

Early Beginnings

The primitive form of art is depicted by use of painting, an art work that started way back and was discovered in Europe and Africa in caves. These representations of animals, humans and geometric shapes, give a clue to the belief and ceremonial life of pre-historic man. As later the attainment of agriculture, brought about the Neolithic revolution which formed the basis to more civilized societies, therefore better standards of art.

Ancient Egypt

Everyone knows that Ancient Egypt art style was unique and famous for the Pharaoh and the life after death. The Egyptian people were talented artist in different fields like painting, sculpture and architecture. Their immense temples, including an outstanding example of the Great Pyramid of Giza, have remained world famous attractions.


The art of Mesopotamia originated from the civilisations of Sumer, Babylon and Assyria and is a very vibrant one. Figures that they painted on their potteries as well as sculpting on clay and stone included gods and rulers. The collection of ‘ infamous’ Assyrian art in terms of their impressive relief that decorated palaces and temples.

Ancient Greece

Ancient Greek art is famous today for it splendour, balance, and optimism of spirit. The Greeks were particularly great in sculpture, architecture and pottery arts. They have their masterpieces of the so called classical art like the Venus de Milo and the Parthenon. The Greeks fascination with the human body and their appreciation of beauty did not go unnoticed in the Western worlds.

Roman Art

The Roman, who dominated almost all of Europe and North Africa by conquest, borrowed or constantly mimicked many aspects of Hellenistic art. In fact, many of the features that can be attributed to the art of ancient Rome are not only realistic but rather useful. The Romans were very famous in architecture and they also controlled many aspects of engineering, through the creation of their aqueducts, roads and amphitheaters, which everyone admires today.

Other Ancient Civilizations

Apart from these world’s largest and most important ancient civilizations, there were still many other ancient cultures, which created outstanding artifacts. The program looked at the art of the Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations of Mesoamerica and South America. In Asia region, the Chinese, Indian and Japanese cultures were the main as they have formed their own artistic forms that are unique and a four art is still evident today.

Ancient Artz from the ancient world provides a view of how people in those civilizations lived, what they thought, and what they hoped for in their world. It is apparent that through the analysis of works, it is possible to get more perceptive insights regarding the state of humanity and the role of creativity.

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